Invitation to a presentation

Kanberra Büyükelçiliği 31.03.2016

Embassy of the Republic Of Turkey

Invitation to a presentation by Dr John [Vecihi] Basarin OAM and Mrs Hatice Hurmuz Basarin on their latest book “GALLIPOLI – The Invasion”

Monday, 04 April 2016, 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm followed by a reception

Venue: The Embassy of the Republic of Turkey, 6 Moonah Place, Yarralumla

RSVP by 1 April 2016

E: or Tel: 6234 0003

Dr John [Vecihi] BAŞARIN and Hatice Hurmuz BAŞARIN
are a husband and wife team of co-authors with seven previously published books, six being specifically related to the history of the Gallipoli campaign including two books on the Australian submarine AE2. Their first book A Turkish View of Gallipoli’

published in 1985, gave
a new insight to the Australian people on the Gallipoli Campaign. By 2003, when the ‘Gallipoli- The Turkish story’

was published, the Turkish view had become almost main stream within the Anzac story. In their latest book, ‘Gallipoli- The Invasion’

John and Hatice further highlight details that challenge traditional approaches to recounting the tragic campaign of 1915, a century later.

The seven books Dr. and Mrs Basarin have co-authored are;
A Turkish View of Gallipoli
, Melbourne, 1985; The Turks in Australia, Melbourne, 1993; Gallipoli-The Turkish Story, Sydney, 2003;Gelibolu 1915
, Istanbul, 2005;
Beneath the Dardanelles: The Australian submarine at Gallipoli
, Sydney, 2008;
Çanakkale Boğazının Derinliklerinde
, Istanbul, 2009; and
Gallipoli- The Invasion,
, 2015.

This important talk will provide another view of history through the opponent’s eyes by outlining the far reaching and long lasting implications of the Gallipoli campaign for people of Turkey. Therein, you may find some of the foundation stones of the unlikely respect and friendship that has developed over the years between the one time foes, i.e., the people of Australia, New Zealand and Turkey, whose first encounter in history happened to be a bloody war with horrific casualties on all sides.

This lecture is free and open to the public


Monday - Friday

09.00 - 12.30 / 13.30 - 17.30

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